====== Slider Custom Controllers: Construction ======
The pictures and videos below illustrate the construction process of my slider controllers. In short: Linear potentiometers + arduino + wood + unity. And some more stuff to get the motors working.
===== Specs =====
Each of the controllers (12 in total):
* Dimensions: 190mm x 60mm x 60mm, 100mm travel
* Materials: Plywood, linear potentiometer, motor unit, cabling
* Latency: < 15ms (~1 frame at 60hz)
The rest:
* A Teensy 3.0 Arduino-compatible microchip, connected via USB
* H-Bridge (L293DNE)
* Unity 4.3
Also required to run:
* A PC running Windows (a laptop will suffice)
* A monitor, as large as possible.
===== Photos of the Construction =====
{{ :projects:sliders:dsc00085.jpg?direct&600 |}}
{{ :projects:sliders:dsc00087.jpg?direct&600 |}}
{{ :projects:sliders:dsc00088.jpg?direct&600 |}}
{{ :projects:sliders:dsc00092.jpg?direct&600 |}}
{{ :projects:sliders:dsc00096.jpg?direct&600 |}}
{{ :projects:sliders:dsc00227.jpg?direct&600 |}}
===== Vines =====
Earliest minimal connection test (non-motorized):
Attaching a motor, and controlling it via an H-Bridge through the Arduino: